Cartoon faveret kuh !

spongebob hooray
Syaz minat dekat DORAEMON, minat dekat SHIN CHAN, dekat HELLO KITTY, minat dengan CHIBI MARUKO-CHAN!!! Ahhh semuanya comel-comel jadi syaz geram dan sangat geram. Haiihhh okay semuaaa, syaz tidur dulu ! Enjoy beb :D Assalam.......

Friendship? Persahabatan?

Friendship is all about different people coming together. They not care about how 
rich they is, about who more pretty. Friends is not about what your age or what 
your job is. Is all about the sincerity of your heart, how much you love  your friend! 
How much you care about them. Dear friends, please don't ever scold them. 
Because they prefer to bear the pain alone than to shares with others. I know it.
I have the experience before, I know how much they hurt. For those who do not 
appreciate your friends, please cherish them,because they always there beside us 
without our conscious. That's all from me, I love you friend...
Best friend are not just one person. Best friends are two people melted into the same soul.

Taknak tengok! Taknak! Taknak!

Taknak tengok orang couple. Mane-mane syaz pegi..ade je pasangan yang tengah 
bermadu kasih.... Ya Allah.. kenapa rasa sunyi sangat niihhhh, jangan laah......
Sedihnyaa, sape taknak disayangi kan?! Cuma belum masanye lagi..Syaza,, 
come on just focus on your study. do something!!
Ya Allah bantu akuu , omooo omoooo..... camane nii camane nii haishh !!!
Rasa macam nak lemporkan pandangankuu sejauh mungkin.. mungkin kah??
Mana mungkin ?! Hmphhh By the way! SOON syaz da nak masuk belajar..
Kolej paling dekat dengan rumah syaz, dan amek course banking and finance.. 
Tanak duk jejauh dengan family HAHA *muntah pelangi*

Guys.. Hidup ni pendek je.. kalau ada pasangan uuh.. jaga lah elok2..
Everyone wants to be loved, so am I. You know this loneliness made feel sick.
I feel like, I don't want to open my eyes anymore. But what should I do..
Life must go on. I just hope, that one day my crush will know my feeling towards
 him. I really do love him as much as I love myself. Chewahh (angkat kening)
"Ya Allah, gantilah perasaan sunyi ini dengan sesuatu yang boleh
menggembirakan aku. Jauhkan lah aku dengan hasutan Syaitan Ya Allah."
Oh Allah, I seek protection and refuge in You from Shaytaan(devil).
No couple, focus on study, life must go on, and forget him.

Bermalas-malasan lagi -_-

The reason why syaz tak reply chat kat facebook sebab syaz malas.
Syaz chat dengan orang yang tertentu je example family syaz, kawan rapat syaz,
but kalau bkn dari dorang syaz takkan reply. Lagi satu syaz dah boring nak reply.
Asyik-asyik tanya soalan yang sama contoh: "Salam, tengah buat ape?",
"Hai, lama tak dengar khabar?", "Hai lama menyepi? Pegi mane?",
pastu ulang balik(tanya lagi)  "buat apa tu? BUSY ke?"
Ya Allah syaz betul2 cepat bosan kalau orang asyik tanya macam tu.
Phone pulak, sebab syaz malas nak taip text. HAHA !
Syaz biarkan je phone tuu, bila dah ada mood atau kalau rajin nak reply..
Syaz reply aa, jangan maraa hhaaa .. Entah lah syaz malas gila nak 
berchatting, bertexting, bercalling, berjalan, dan segala "ber" lah! 
Lain kali kalau nak IM syaz, just bila ada benda penting je okay.....
Sekarang syaz asyik tengok youtube je... Facebook ON tapi biarkan je..
HAHA kejamnya aku *troll face* Tapi lelama macam ni..........
Rasa malas nak on dah -..- nak deactived lah nanti.. Tidoo je..... XD
Okay Assalamualaikum.


I miss you and only Allah (swt) know.

I always thinking bout you lately, I can't sleep, I can't eat.
Everything I do, always remind me of you.
I always want to forget you, but I can't.
Deep in my heart, I really _._._._ You.
Pardon me for disturbing your life Mr.AA.

Keep quit. Just take a look.

Just A picture of my life
I LOVE TO EAT !  I LOVE TO DO everything :)