I Love You :')

There is no one in this world that can take your place
Oooh I'm sorry for ever taken you for granted.
I will use every change I get to make you smile,
whenever I'm around you. And now,
I will try to love you like you love me.
Only Allah (swt) knows how much you mean to me 

Ohh that's a relief! I probably could not lose them.
They are very important in my life. I thank to Allah for 
awarding me a good and lovely parents. Thank you Allah.
"If I could turn back time rewind 
If I could make it undone I swear that I would
I would make it up to you" :')
ILOVEYOUSOMUCH mama & ayah ;) ~big hug~ muaah!!!
ILOVEMYFAMILYSOMUCH even selalu gaduh-gaduh manja.
Hikhokk itulah kemesraan sekeluarga namanya :)
Hargailah family korang sementara masih ada nii.. 
Jangan terlambat, Renung-renungkan :)

This is my sister ;) which is AMAZING SISTER.
from left, Along, Kakak@Ateh, Alang and me ;)
ini masa kakak graduate, I'm so proud with her.
kami selalu gaduhh, haha tapi kejap je then baik balik.
Mane tahan adik beradik gaduh lelama ye tak?
She is known as my twins. Hikhokk ramai orang tanya.
"Kembar ke?" Kalau syaz jawab.. kdg2 jwb ye kdg2 tak.
Kalau kakak jawab, "ha'ah kitorg kembar :)"
Muka tak besalah pastu gelakgelak . Hikhokk ! kelakar.
Haih, ade lagi abang dua orang, Tapi gambar tade sebab 
mereka berdua kureng sikit na amek gambar ni..
Pendek kata, My Family is AWESOME !!
Thank you Allah, Thank you Allah ;)
Okay that's all. Tata semua ! Muaah Assalamualaikum.

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